Monday, December 13, 2010

Query-Flooring options


Hello Mr. Thomas,

I came across your blog and felt that you are an expert in house making. I would like to get few suggestions from you regarding the flooring for my house in Cochin,Kerala. My house is on 10 cent land and I wanted to do flooring on the ground floor as well as the top floor too. Could you please suggest me what kind of flooring or tiles would be reasonable and look attractive and how much the entire flooring would cost me?

I could find out from your blog that you often suggest clay tiles but could you also point out to me the bad points about the clay tiles also? If you could give the good and bad points of all types of tiles and how much each would cost me I would appreciate it.

I also wanted to do an exterior flooring like walkway or landscape outside my house which covers another 10 cent land also. Could you please give me an estimate how much it would cost me? Please tell me how much should be my budget for the interior flooring and the exterior flooring separately.
I would appreciate your suggestions and thanks a lot in advance.
Mercy Joshi.

My reply

There is a blog entry-Flooring options which give comparative details for various flooring options.Link is this
After this blog entry  new varieties of vitrified tiles have come to the market.A super glossy stain free version and Naturoc tiles with rough surface which can also be used for stairs with edge curving
It will be more beneficial to you if I can visit your site
I can assess work so far done and give you suggestions not only on flooring but on all balance work to be done.I will give a detailed report in writing about work so far done,Vasthu aspects and suggestions on work to be done

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